Purely Peppermint
. . . The results will take your breath away . . .
Rachael Ross
Purely Peppermint evolved from two things I love in life - to be free from stress and being creative.
My move from Canada to London was to take advantage of continuing to work in the airline industry but in the most exciting city in the world. It was a fast paced, a 24 hour day and a quickly ever changing office. I was able to take advantage of several opportunities and projects that needed to be implemented and run.
Unfortunately the airline had troubles and we all were laid-off. I decided to make a career change and went back to college to study fashion designing.
The course required us to have several projects on the go; there were patterns, fabric, sketch pads and stuff everywhere. I was stressed, tired, and feeling like things were getting out of control. One particular bad day while sitting and staring off into the distance a life changing thought popped into my head 'I can't work in all this mess it is really getting me down, I need to sort things'.
I organised, filed, boxed and labelled what was needed
for college. This allowed me the freedom to be even
more creative and successful which resulted in passing
the fashion design course with distinction.
After this discovery, I want to share the information with everyone. Finding I had a natural talent for seeing the potential in a space through all the clutter and mess, led to Purely Peppermint being born.
Purely Peppermint has evolved and grown as a business, through experience and training. One new subject that is of great appeal is the area of working from home. I have been working in this way since the birth of my company, but so many people find this very difficult. Some of the reasons can be because the office area hasn't been set up correctly or they haven't yet learnt how to manage themselves. All can be fixed with the help of Purely Peppermint.
Another area that has developed is dealing with internal clutter. This can include bad boundaries, not being able to say no and therefore taking on too much, or holding onto guilt about your possessions (and therefore also the possessions).
To become more effective in dealing with internal clutter I decided to study further
I achieved qualifications in coaching beginning with
a Diploma in Life Coaching from Newcastle College. From
there I studied with Europe's premier training institute
'The Coaching Academy'. I graduated with distinction
in their Advanced Diploma in Life Coaching which is
accredited to the Open College Network. I update my
skills by studying additional related subjects and have
in-depth knowledge of advanced communication techniques
such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) as well as
a qualification in Positive Impact Coaching from Newcastle
By working with Purely Peppermint you will benefit from my experience and expertise. You have a chance to work one-to-one with Purely Peppermint and create solutions specific to your needs and requirements.